Wednesday 28 September 2016

Dentist visit


We had a great visit today from Mr Kilcoyne the local Dentist.

We were shown how to look after our teeth properly and reminded of how important it is to brush regularly and visit the Dentist every 6 months.

We amazed Dr Kilcoyne with our fabulous work we've been doing in science.

He was amazed by how welcome he was made, our manners and enthusiasm!

Keep up the brushing everyone!

Here are our newly elected School Council Reps...

By the way it was GREAT to see so many of you at my after school Drop in on Tuesday!

The Drop in's are every week so feel free to come along.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Autumn 1 September 2016


We are all ready and waiting for you in Year 3.
We can't wait and we will look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Love Mrs Kilcoyne & Mrs Parkinson

Sunday 12 June 2016

End of Summer 1 Start of Summer 2

Here we are making paper and flatbread as part of our Egyptian topic.

We've been working hard on Accelerated Reader well done!

Holy Communion day!

This week we've been working on measurement and perimeter.

In science we are learning about plants and so we have been weeding and planting in our garden.

Our Reading Buddies are still enjoying reading with Reception Class each lunchtime.

Well Done Avril on your sponsored swim and we raised £50 towards funding a young helper to go to Lourdes this was part of our Year of Mercy work.

We were also able to give £6 to the lovely ladies who work so hard for the S.V.P. charity making toast each week.

What a wonderful Shakespeare celebration we had this week!

A very Happy Birthday to our Queen!

Keep up the good work everybody, only 5 more weeks to go


Mrs Kilcoyne & Mrs Parkinson

Friday 20 May 2016

Year 3's digital leaders

Hi I'm a year 3 digital leader and I'm am going to be helping year 3 teachers.

Year 3 digital leaders

I am a year 3 digital leader and I will be helping with ICT in St Cuthbert's

Sunday 24 April 2016

Summer 1

Hello, A great first week back!
Ice Skating was as if we'd never been away!

Here are a few pictures from our excellent museum visit...

How wonderful to think that we were handling artifacts that were up to 5,000 years old!

This week we will be making our own version of papyrus and looking forward to Egyptian flat bread next week.

Remember don't forget that Ice Skating continues on Wednesday.

Hope you all had a nice weekend!

Wednesday 6 April 2016

End of Spring Term

Hello! haven't we been busy this Half Term, lets hope for some sunshine while we're off next week!

                                           Here we are planting some lovely Spring bulbs

Reception class loved our Palm Sunday play.

Enjoy the break and don't forget to wear your joggers on the 1st day back
because Ice Skating starts again on the 18th April...Yippie!

Don't forget to do your research in preparation for our Manchester Museum visit on Wednesday the 20th-Can't wait!